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At Al Hayat cement, quality control begins right from the selection of raw materisls, Clinker, guranteed furnace slag and additives such as gypsum, are imported world's reputable suppliers wherever there are available and meed our standards

We adopt stringent quality control checks, starting from selection of the best quality raw materials as per our own internal standards, checks to every stage of manufactiring process, up to the pumping of the final product to a multiple-compartment storage cement silo we gurantee quality to our valued customers.

Product Quality is ensured, by selecting the ingredients with stringent and elaborate quality checks, to surpass the international standards values laid in European standard EN 197-1:2000 and American standard (ASTM)

Quality control laboratory is well equipped with highly trained personnel besides particle size analyzer, flame photometer, heal of hydration test equipment and all other equipment which are required for testing physical and chemical characteristics of cement

Al Hayat cement has installed programmable logic control DCS system to operate the plant from central control room with the latest equipment for proportioning the ingredients and to feed raw materials without variation to achieve a consistent product quality.

Our Products

With wide range of quality products, Al Hayat Cement ensures it consistently meets customer requirements

Ordinary Portland Cement(OPC)

Ultra Bond

Cementech OPC

Al Hayat(PLC)

Portland Limestone Cement(PLC)

Masonary Cement



The Future

At Al Hayat cement we are focused on delivering our commitment of providing products and services based on global expertise, trust and professionalism, Operating in a highly competitive market, the company maintains its lead by consistently engaging expert professionals improving processes and services, introducing new products and employing sales people who laster longer term relationship with customers.